
  1. Vadim, Shatalov
  2. email:, telegram: netpastor, phone: +79171367223, skype: shatalovvadim
  3. I’m Python developer. I’m interested in this course cause I want to be Full Stask Developer.
  4. Skills: Python, Django, Javascript basics, JQuery, PostgreSql, Git, TDD, Agile, Scrum, PyCharm, Docker…
  5. Code examples: Mostly all are under NDA, there are some gists 1, 2, 3
  6. Experience: I have more than 25 years experience in IT, last 10 years I’m developing on Python, there was web-development mostly
  7. Education: I graduated Togliatty Politechnical Institute, faculty Machine Building Automation.
  8. English level: B1